Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Tabletop Arcade With 150 Classic Games

by Unknown  |  in Gaming at  19:38

Lost in the modern gaming era? Ever wished to revive those old legendary games you played in your childhood? Now you can re-live the memories of your childhood by this Tabletop Arcade.

The console comes with a 19" flat screen LCD and 150 classic inbuilt games including Space Invaders, Asteroids, Pac Man, Pong, Missile Command, Battle Zone and many more. It has an adjustable joystick, a 3 inch trackball and 11 large buttons ensuring a thrilling gameplay. The console operates on HP Slimline PC which allows you to play any PC game in the arcade. It supports Windows XP, so you can transfer and play your songs also. It also features an integrated jukebox software, two speakers and a sub-woofer.

Well it is placed at a price of $2,495.95 which may not suit everyone but if you want to re-enjoy those old gaming days of yours, it is a must buy.

[via Hammacher]


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