Latest report on New Firefox 4 Beta update for Android is out:
Firefox Beta 4 for Android is built on the same technology platform as Firefox 4 for desktop computers, just optimized for browsing on a handheld device. Check out the new and improved features after the break.
- Reduced installation size by 60% on Android
- JavaScript performance has improved. Now 25% faster than the default browser on SunSpider.
- Page loads are now about 40% faster than in beta 1
- Using the battery is reduced
- Fixed problems that would ensure yo! u get a black screen when starting the app
- Reduced memory usage
- Improved text spacing
- Now localized in 10 languages
- New Theme
- You can now undo a close tab
- The native Android sharing system is now used when you share a link
- Free reports are now supported
- Finger friendly video controls
- Content crashes will no longer take the entire browser
- Users will now be asked to submit crash reports when the browser crashes
- Beta Tester Tools for Android
- Faster and more accurate multitouch zoom
- Geolocation now works on Android